1) Konrad Tolmar
2)Fredrik Kilander
3) kamal
I need to submit 10 pages report in the next meeting. That will contain :
i) Title--- Measuring impact of QoS on QoE in the mobile application.
ii) Abstract(Draft)
iii)Outline of method
iv) Approach
v) Short summary
What have I done with related work?
I need to improve the collection of related papers. It might be 3 or 2 times than present. So it would be 30.
My main focus will be --
What kind of quality?
How QoS service related with QoE?
My output from the thesis would be
--- Study & report
---Experimental toolkit.
The experience toolkit may inherit from me and use in other research.
I need to setup a server with QoS service. After that I need to setup two server then I need to test how the quality of Experience in the mobile. By changing the parameter of the QoS I need to measure the QoE.
I need also find out how they are related? What are the parameter of the QoS and QoE?
The parameter of QoS:
Jitter, encoding technique, bandwidth, latency
I have to find out more.
Kth theses are available in http://kth.diva-portal.org/smash/search.jsf?rvn=1
The outline of the thesis writing suggested by Fedrick
Literature Review
Experiment & design
----What do I want to achieve?
--- What can I achieve?
Fedrick also suggested me that I have to search paper for literature review. In that I have to collect all common things in a paper. I might have some thing which are interly related
common thing need to put in a group then I can understand how they are related. I can also check authors other paper, citsheers, Kth library
That's it.
Have a fun.............
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